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I have had numerous requests for an Offensive basketball eBook. Here is a collection of offensive basketball coaching notes from the past eight months. This eBook has 75 offensive basketball coaching notes with over 2500 pages of basketball coaching information. As a bonus, I have included the NCAA Division 1 basketball playbook for you.
Here is the list of offensive basketball coaching notes:
4 around 1 Set Plays
Al Skinner: Boston College Flex Offense
Bruce Weber: Offensive Skill Development
Bob Huggins: 5 out Cut and Fill Offense
Ball-screening zone offense
Bill Self Hi low offense
Billy Donovan: The Three Point Shot
Bo Ryan: Swing Offense
Bob McKillop: Davidson Plays versus Kansas
Bob Huggins: Open post motion offense notes
Bob Knight: Zone Offense
Brenda Frese: Maryland Offensive sets
Clinic to end all Clinics 2008
Dick Bennett: Blocker / Mover offense vs. zones
Double Pump Collegiate Basketball Conference Notes
Double Pump Collegiate Basketball Conference Notes from another source
Doug Bruno: Total Offense
Dr. Tom Davis: Man offense
Dribble Drive Motion Offense Options
Gary Garner: Delay Game
Geno Auriemma: Teaching High Post Offense
Greg Popovich: Drills and Motion Offense
Grinnell System: Run and Gun – Understanding it.
Herb Welling: Dribble Drive Motion Offense Setup
Howard Garf’s Clinic Notes
Jamie Dixon: 4 out 1 in Motion offense
Jerry Petitgoue: Dribble Drive Motion offense notes
Jim Morris: Iowa Western Sets
John Beilein: 4 out Zone offense
John Beilein BCAM 2007
John Beilein: Two guard princton offense system
John Beilein: Michigan Clinic typed notes
John Brady: LSU Man Offense
John Brady: Press Offense Vegas 2007
John Burns: Dribble Drive Motion Offense Notes
John Calipari: Definitive Dribble Drive Motion Offense notes
John Calipari: Dribble Drive Motion Offense Vegas 2009
John Groce: Transition Offense Notes
Johnny Orr: Iowa State Man Offense
Johnny Orr: Iowa State Transition Offense
John Thompson: Zone Offense Nike Clinic
Kevin Boyle: Half Court Dribble Series
Kevin O’Neill Marquette Motion Offense
Lawrence Frank: Pick and Roll Offense
Lee Deforest: Winning with Princeton Offense
Mike Rice: Robert Morris 1 on 1 basketball to improve your team
New Heights Coaching Academy
Nike Springfield MA Basketball Clinic 2009
Nike Myrtle Beach Basketball Clinic 2008
Nike Myrtle Beach Basketball Clinic 2009
Paul Westhead: LMU Break
Read and React Offense power point notes
Rick Majerus: 4 out motion offense notes
Rick Majerus: Passing Game
Rick Pitino: Louisville Half Court Offense
Rick Pitino; Louisville Set Plays
Rick Torbett: Read and React Offense 2008
Ruben Magnono: Argentina Flex Offense
Scott Gradin: Game plan your offense notes
Sean Miller: Attacking Zones
Sherri Coale: Motion offense
Speedy Morris: Flex Offense
Tex Winter: Chicago Bulls Triangle Offense
Tex Winter: Triangle Post Offense Notes
Tod Kowalczyk: Attack on Ball Screen Offense
Tom Izzo: Quick Strike Notes
Tom Izzo: Zone Sets
Trent Johnson: LSU 2009 Clinic
Tubby Smith: Kentucky 96 sets
UMKC Triangle Offense
Vance Walberg: AAASA
Vance Walberg: Implenting the dribble drive motion offense
Vance Walberg: Palm Springs 2008 notes
Vance Walberg: Trancoso Clinic notes
Vance Walberg: Basketball Clinic
Zone Offense Basics
Bonus: NCAA Division 1 Basketball Playbook
Take a look at my basketball coaching website: http://mensbasketballhoopscoop.blogspot.com/
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